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Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Spring Festival

6th, Feb is the Chinese New Year's Eve, for all the Chinene around the world, it is the most important festival during all year. Chinese New Year means all the family members come back home, get together and celebrate for the lunnar new year.

For me, it is the 2nd time that I cannot go back to China and stay with my parents and relatives.
The school life is still busy. A lot of work is waiting for me fullfill. I can clearly remember that when I was a little boy, all the children of the whole big family played with firecrackers and dress up when the spring festival came. All the aldult get together to have a dinner , drinking and singing and showed their best wishes for coming new year.

This year, a lot of my friends from the same previous university met at the sea side and celebrate together. It is very exciting.

Now , the spring festival passed, however for the traditional Chinese, the end of "nian" finishes with the 1st 15 days of the lunar calendar.

Best wishes to you all and my family. Happy Spring Festival!

"Gong Xi Fa Cai"

"Wan Shi Ru Yi"!


KHIEM said...

Happy new year:). By the way, what does "Wan Shi Ry Yi" mean?

Anonymous said...

It means that everything will just follow your mind or what you are thinking.Happy chinese new year!!!

Brad Blackstone said...

Happy Year of the Rat to you as well!

yes, being in the university does mean a lot of work, even during holidays, for students and teachers.