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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

pollution is there for everyone

What are the consequences of pollution? How can we control it?Pollution is a serious problem nowadays. Cars running around the streets, factories emitting toxic smoke, sewage being dumped into the sea, and oil being spilled into the ocean, are very common in our society. We, the human being, have caused theses pollutions at the first place, but now the pollutions have come to threaten us.Our health is deteriorated as result of emission of carbon dioxide from the vehicles, and sulfer dioxide and nitroxide from industries. These gases are often trapped in the city, creating smog that could worsen asthma, impair lung function, and even cause death. Increasing pollutants such as carbon dioxide and chlorofluorocarbon can cause global warming and depletion in the ozone layer. When ozone layer is depleted, more UV rays can penetrate to our atmosphere, thus causing skin cancers. In fact, statistics show that there is about ten percent increase in skin cancer rate in the world since 1995. In addition, much of our groundwater is being polluted because farmers use chemical fertilizes, pesticides, and herbicides to raise their crops. These chemicals can seep easily from the farmland to the groundwater, causing diseases to us.

It is not just we are affected by pollution; animals and plants are also affected by pollution. Animals and plants would become dehydrated from the extreme heat. Ice would melt more quickly, destructing the habitat of polar bears. Fish and other marine animals would die from oil leakage and the presence of untreated sewage in the sea.

However, we can all reduce pollution by changing our lifestyle. Instead of driving cars, we can take public transits, ride bikes, and walk more frequently. We should try to reduce, recycle, and reuse things as much as we can. Since factories are the number one cause of acid rain, they should reduce their amount of emissions as much as possible. For instance, they could install rubber scrappers on their chimneys to trap sulfer dioxide and nitroxide from escaping to the atmosphere. Governments should also set up strict laws and legislations regarding chemicals usage on farms. Instead of using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, farmers should use natural fertilizers and insects-resistant crops that are invented by biotechnology. Furthermore, governments need to raise public awareness on pollution control through education. Teachers have to address to all students on how to restrict pollution.

In short, pollution threatens both the mankind as well as the environment, but I believe we can restrict pollution by working together so that our future will have a clean environment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Final Finally Comes

The spring is coming. In this tropical island, the subrogation of seasons is not so obvious. I am quite busy these days because of the semester is coming to the end, which means a bunch of exams are around the corners.

The EG1471 course is also coming to the end. Lots of reluctance to leave my classmates and tutor.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

We can play a role!

Climate change may be a big problem, but there are many little things we can do to make a difference. If we try, most of us can do our part to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the atmosphere. Many greenhouse gases come from things we do every day. As we have learned, these greenhouse gases trap energy in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer.
Driving a car or using electricity is not wrong. We just have to be smart about it.Some people use less energy by carpooling. For example, four people can ride together in one car instead of driving four cars to work. Here are some additional ways you can help make the planet a better place!
ReadLearning about the environment is very important. There are many good books that will help you learn. To get started, ask a teacher or a librarian for some suggestions. You also can look at the Links page to find other good web sites with information about the environment and climate change.
Save ElectricityWhenever we use electricity, we help put greenhouse gases into the air. By turning off lights, the television, and the computer when you are through with them, you can help a lot.
Bike, Bus, and WalkYou can save energy by sometimes taking the bus, riding a bike, or walking.
Talk to Your Family and FriendsTalk with your family and friends about climate change. Let them know what you've learned.
Plant TreesPlanting trees is fun and a great way to reduce greenhouse gases. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, from the air.
RecycleRecycle cans, bottles, plastic bags, and newspapers. When you recycle, you send less trash to the landfill and you help save natural resources, like trees, oil, and elements such as aluminum.
When You Buy, Buy Cool Stuff:There are lots of ways we can improve the environment. One of the ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the air is to buy products that don't use as much energy. By conserving energy, we help reduce climate change and make the Earth a better place. Some products – like certain cars and stereos – are made specially to save energy.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Corrections on APA style

In "Olympic Champion Shuns Beijing" (n.d.), it is noted that world record marathon runner Haile Gebresalassie had said he would not compete in the event at the Beijing Olympics later this year, citing the city's high levels of pollution ("Olympic Champion Shuns Beijing," n.d.). This runner’s words seem to be unbelievable, but it really reflects the international concerns and criticism towards Beijing’s air conditions. For a long time, the China government paid more attention to the economic development, but ignored the critical compensation that the Chinese people must pay.

The Beijing Olympic is approaching. To hold it successfully, China has invested billions of dollars in new venues, transport links and other facilities for the games in recent years, and while these have been praised as world-class the issue of pollution stands out as the number one worry. Carrono (2007) showed that air pollution can cause harm or discomfort to human or other living things in his study of environmental pollution and human-beings’ health. Hence, the Chinese government is very eager to seek the way out to control it.

Firstly, the urban planning strategy is available to reduce air pollution. Chen (2006) noted that efforts to reduce pollution from mobile sources include primary regulation, expanding regulation to new sources, increased fuel efficiency, and conversion to cleaner fuels. By trying out these new ways of enhancing the efficiency of machines and seeking for new clear energies, China has improved a lot on its air qualities in the recent years. Even though these ways are the most direct, they are long-run efforts and take a lot of time to improve the air conditions a little bit.

The second way of reducing the air pollution is to design the locations of factories properly. In the 1960’s, China located most of its factories in the city area. These factories are usually very big and difficult to move outside the city. Because of these factories, the air pollution is getting more and more serious. Chen (2006) once argued that a lot of environmental problems were created by loopholes of government. China now has legalized policy that newly built factories cannot be built inside the city and old factories within the city are to move outside bit by bit. This policy would definitely be effective to improve the air quality.

Just doing these twos above is not enough. Government should publicize the idea of protection of the environment among its citizens which can make them realize that protecting the air conditions is everyone’s responsibility. In China, everybody belongs to a neighborhood community. Government can set up a centre in these neighborhood communities and publicize the idea of reduction of air pollution. In the same time, teachers in schools as well as colleges should take up the responsibility to develop this idea to his or her students and be a example to them. By doing this, people in China will concern about the environment around him as well as his own health. Beijing

Olympics is approaching and more and more people in the world are paying attention to Beijing’s air conditions. China government is trying its best to find a way to improve Beijing’s air conditions and supply a health environment to all the tourists and athletes from the world. As long as the government chooses the right way to improve the air condition, and every citizen deems his or her own responsibility to protect environment, there will not be any problems for Beijing to hold Olympics successfully.(words 637 in total)

Carrono, F, M.(2007). Public policy and citizens’ life.
Boston: Argosy Publishing.
Chen, X. N. (2006). New-energy and reduction of air pollution.
Beijing: People’s Publicity.
Air pollution.(n.d.)In Wikipedia.Retrived. March 18, n.d.
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution#Reduction_efforts Yang, M. J. (2008, March 3). Air pollution and what we can do. China Daily,
22(3). Retrieved March 18 2008,

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Zero-waste system is Suitable for China, but not Land-filling

Nowadays, a lot of wastes are being produced by industry and family life everyday in China. The government is seeking various ways to reduce the amount of wastes and make good use of them. Among all the waste disposed schemes, zero waste and land-filling are the two most popular methods.

Zero waste method, as an economic environmental way, has its great advantage. It is a system that using only recyclable materials for industrial and daily life purposes. By doing this, we can reuse the wastes and convert them into what are beneficial for human-beings. Thus, the wastes are not useless rubbish any longer and they become valuable products.

Land-filling is to fill the waste into land and make them analyze by themselves. It’s good in some aspects because it is costless. We do not need to invest in developing an advanced technology system and pay for mountainous fee.

For China, I think the zero waste system is much more suitable for China’s current situation. First, China, as a large country, we should be responsible for future generations. Zero waste system is non-harmful to environment and it can generate extra amount of value by recycling the waste. Lots of areas in China are still in poverty. By doing these, we can gain extra social wealth. However, land-filling does harm to the soil and cannot make money from it. Therefore, zero-waste is more suitable for China.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Concern about Beijng's Air Conditions

“World record marathon runner Haile Gebresalassie has said he will not compete in the event at the Beijing Olympics later this year, citing the city's high levels of pollution.” (http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/1C927251-7198-4D45-92F2-CD196B517F0E.htm). This runner’s words seem to be unbelievable, but it really reflects the international concerns and criticism towards Beijing’s air conditions. For a long time, we paid more attention to the economic development, however ignored the critical compensation that we must pay.

The Beijing Olympic is around the corner. To hold it successfully, China has invested billions of dollars in new venues, transport links and other facilities for the games in recent years, and while these have been praised as world-class the issue of pollution stands out as the number one worry. As we all know, air pollution can cause harm or discomfort to human or other living things, or damage environments[1]. Hence, we are very eager to seek the way out to control it.

Firstly, urban planning strategies are available to reduce air pollution[2]. Efforts to reduce pollution from mobile sources includes primary regulation, expanding regulation to new sources (such as cruise and transport ships, farm equipment, and small gas-powered equipment such as lawn trimmers, chainsaws, and snowmobiles), increased fuel efficiency, and conversion to cleaner fuels[3]. By trying out these new ways of enhancing the efficiency of machines and seeking for new clear energies, China has improved a lot on its air qualities in the recent years. Even though these ways are the most direct, however they are long-run efforts and take a lot of time to improve the air conditions a little bit.

The second way of reducing the air pollution is to arrange the factories properly. In the 1960’s, China arranged its factories in the cities. These factories are usually very big and difficult to move outside the city. Because of these factories, the air pollutions are getting more and more serious. China now has legalized policy that newly built factories cannot be built inside the city and old factories within the city are to move outside bit by bit. This policy would definitely effective to improve the air quality.

Just doing these twos above is not enough. Government should publicize among the citizens and that can make them have an idea that protecting the air conditions is everyone’s responsibility. By doing this, people will concern about the environment around him as well as his own health.

Beijing Olympics is approaching and more and more people are paying attention to Beijing’s air conditions. China government is trying its best to supply a health environment to all the tourists and athletes from the world. We have the confidence that under such an efforts, the air condition in Beijing will get better and better.

(496 words in total)

1. Chen, X. N. (2006). New-energy and reduction of air pollution. Beijing: Chinese Publicity.
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution#Reduction_efforts
3. Yang, M. J. (2007, March 3). Air pollution and what we can do. China Daily, 22(3). Retrieved March 11,2008, from http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/1C927251-7198-4D45-92F2-CD196B517F0E.htm
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_pollution#Reduction_efforts
[2] Yang, M. J. (2007, March 3). Air pollution and what we can do. China Daily, 22(3). Retrieved March 11,2008, from http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/1C927251-7198-4D45-92F2-CD196B517F0E.htm
[3] Chen, X. N.(2006). New-energy and reduction of air pollution. Beijing: Chinese Publicity.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Exams Allow No Cheating

There was a sign on the university campus said:" High reward for a gunman!"

But it is calling not for a killer but for someone to take a graduate entrance examination. With the wxam date close, these notices are often found on univercity boards in China.

English and politics are two subjects which seem to need "gunmen" the most. It is said first-year graduate students are the favorite people to be chosen. Payment ranges from thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan, depending on expected results. Even if they are facing the danger of being caught, many are still willing to take the danger.

The number of people taking graduate entrance exams has grown rapidly. The figure nationwide this year reached a record 10,080,000, 22.8 per cent higher than last year. But the increasing number and record recruitment hace put the quality of graduate education under suspicion. Many hace their eyes only on the resident card a master's degree could provide, rather than the opportunity to impove themselves through further education.

Job hunting pressure forces a high percentage of college students to take the exam. They want to stay in Beijing or other big cities. They must struggle hard to change their lives and improve their future for jobs. And that is why many take this risk.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy Spring Festival

6th, Feb is the Chinese New Year's Eve, for all the Chinene around the world, it is the most important festival during all year. Chinese New Year means all the family members come back home, get together and celebrate for the lunnar new year.

For me, it is the 2nd time that I cannot go back to China and stay with my parents and relatives.
The school life is still busy. A lot of work is waiting for me fullfill. I can clearly remember that when I was a little boy, all the children of the whole big family played with firecrackers and dress up when the spring festival came. All the aldult get together to have a dinner , drinking and singing and showed their best wishes for coming new year.

This year, a lot of my friends from the same previous university met at the sea side and celebrate together. It is very exciting.

Now , the spring festival passed, however for the traditional Chinese, the end of "nian" finishes with the 1st 15 days of the lunar calendar.

Best wishes to you all and my family. Happy Spring Festival!

"Gong Xi Fa Cai"

"Wan Shi Ru Yi"!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Environmental Problems Caused by Abuse of Nuclear Energy

The United States dropped a uranium gun-type device code-named "Little Boy" on the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 6 August 1945, and three days later, U.S. dropped a plutonium implosion -type device code-named "Fat Man" on the city of Nagasaki.

These bombings resulted in the immediate deaths of around 12000 people from injuries and radiation sickness and even more deaths over time from long-term effects of radiation. It also causes a series of environmental long-run effects. Seldom farm crops can live on that land and a lot of animals are suffering from mutations.

Thus, to what extent the use of nuclear weapons can cause the evironment problems ?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What To Follow

I am always curious about the life.
When we came into this world, life is expected to be a jouney without turning around. It can be a world filled with hearty smiles and gratitude;it also can be a realm ocupied by endless fears and strife. It is us who determine the meaning of our life and it is also us who can navigate the ship to our future.

"Life is a long trip, and what to follow then? "I am always asking myself this simple question. I think it should be a question with changable answers. When I was a pupil, I followed the instructions of parents and teachers; when I am a teeager, I tried my best to get rid of all the restriction and follow my feelings; at this moment, I live on my own, abroad, studying and seeking for the future, and I know life is not that simple and easy as I expected . What should I follow then?

Some are willing to get a high CAP and graduate; some would like to travel around the world and experience all kinds of culture and life. For me, what I believe is to try the best to be true and real. Be honest to all the friends who are worthy for me to treasure; be a filial son to my parents and do not let them feel down; be a reliable and passionate boyfriend to the girl I love....for those modules that I really dislike, try not to follow the other people to bid although it may be easy to pass; try my best to find something that I am really interested in and do it; try the best to be rich in mind and overcome timidity....

Youth is not a time of life, however it is a state of mind. "Youth" begins with "You" means it is you that determine the meaning of it. Knowing what to follow in life will help a lot in compiling code of life, I think.